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Адрес:Russia, Novosibirsk, Svyazistov st., 3
Skype: kedrsiberia
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Версия для печати Описание деятельности
The company "EСO-SIB" was founded in Novosibirsk in 2012 by a group of people United by the idea of creating a functional organic nutrition. For 4 years our experts have visited such countries as China, Sri Lanka, UK and Iran.

Today, by bringing together all our experience, we are pleased to offer natural products, based raw material, made of the 3 selected varieties of dates under the trademark "Ecofinik".

We recycle selected by our experts varieties of dates only in the country where they grow in the region, which contributes to the saturation of the raw material as beneficial vitamin-mineral composition (level of pectin, vitamins B, acids).

The aim of our company is to create unique properties, natural, healthy, delicious and useful products.

Статьи компании
28 апреля 2017 | ECO-SIB
Dates in cosmetology
не утвержден
Dates in cosmetology. Since ancient times, these fruits were associated with prosperity and fertility, and today the dates are successfully used not only as food but also in cosmetics and medicine. In the chemical composition of this fruit include...
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