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Адрес:199226 St. Petersburg, st. Nalichnaya 36-3-522 e-mail: hrs.fin@gmail.com skype: hoodriver-corp
Телефон:+7 812 9446618 +7 4232 605977
Факс:+7 4232 605973
Сайт:http://hrs-fin.com http//globalrrt.com
Skype: nasi.gk
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Версия для печати Описание деятельности
- in the manufacture of equipment for reagent-free water purification and treatment of high-quality potable water from sources and reservoirs of any degree of pollution (including pollution by chemical waste and chemical warfare agents), including compact, modular and mobile equipment;
- technologies and equipment for reagent-free treatment of water for water parks and swimming pools;
- in the field of technology and equipment for the treatment of sewage from industrial plants and nuclear power plants, to a state fit for free natural circulation;
- in developing technologies and equipment for cleaning the air of emissions from various harmful manufacturing processes and in cleaning the air in the plants where these processes take place;
- in creating optimal technologies and equipment for water desalination;
- in exploration and extraction of water in dehydrated areas of the planet;
- in creating technology and equipment for high-speed rodless drilling;
- in the technology and production of natural sorbents easily accessible in the extraction of raw materials, with unique characteristics and features (the technology is ready for implementation and establishment of production facilities);
- in our own design for binary stand-alone electric power systems and vaneless turbine (VT) technology, for the generation of high-quality and inexpensive energy;
- currently, the corporation is carrying out preparatory work for the R&D on creating environmentally friendly reagents that can dilute heavy forms and fractions of petroleum in soils, for their further extraction, with minimal consumption of energy and water resources.

Статьи компании
11 августа 2012 | NASI LTD
очистка газов
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Обзор работ NASI по очистке газов. Первое направление - очистка горячих дымовых газов. Очистка отходящего воздуха, загрязненного в результате производственных процессов аэрозольными частицами, угарным газом и продуктами неполного...
04 августа 2012 | NASI LTD
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I. Elemental base of photonic superprocessor Fundamental properties of galvanic communication channels of electronic computers restrict productivity of electronic computers on the level far from the level needed for supercomputer information techn...
04 августа 2012 | NASI LTD
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Continued complementary metal-oxide-semiconductor (CMOS) scaling beyond 65 nm technology node requires high-K gate dielectrics to achieve small equivalent oxide thickness (EOT) while maintain low gate leakage current. HfO2 and others thin films are c...
04 августа 2012 | NASI LTD
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1. FIFTH GENERATION OF THE BIPS ESSENCE Project BIPS-BASERES – it is a Binary Independent Power System (BIPS) intended for effective transformation of renewable energy sources (RES) into electrical energy. Project’s essence of the BIPS BIPS-...
03 августа 2012 | NASI LTD
Heterogeneous Catalytic Photooxidation Technology of HRS Oy.
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Technologies for removal of pollutants are classified into separation techniques (coagulation, flotation, membrane, sorption) and destruction (oxidation, pyrolysis) techniques. Separation techniques separate the pollutants from the water. They ...
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Файлы компании
№1 nasi (4140.93 Kb, 05.01.15)
№2 water-treatment hrs oy-shfra.pptx (3723.97 Kb, 09.09.13)
№3 hrs oy refinery.pdf (1188.04 Kb, 09.09.13)
№4 hrs oy - презентация общая euro-5 fuels production.pdf (680.58 Kb, 09.09.13)

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